
Go Panthers!

St. John's participates in the Catholic Youth Sports League (CYSL) of Pensacola.

The Panthers have a long tradition of participating and winning in football, flag football, volleyball, cheer, basketball, soccer, and track. We encourage children to be physically fit and to participate in any sporting activity that they would like.

We also offer after-school Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Witness Martial Arts.

How to Play:

1. Register Here First

2. Turn in CYSL Waiver

3. Turn in K-5th Grade Physical Form or Middle School Pre-Participation Physical Form

The "tentative" calendar for seasons is as follows:

  • Volleyball: Sep-Nov
  • Flag Football: Aug-Oct
  • Tackle Football: Oct-Dec
  • Cheer: Oct-Dec
  • Basketball: Jan-Mar
  • Soccer: Mar-May
  • Track: May 13-14

 Grade distributions for sports are as follows:

  • Tackle Football & Cheer: 6th-8th (6th graders can play tackle and flag)
  • Flag Football (co-ed): 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th
  • Volleyball: 4th-5th, 6th-8th Silver, 6th-8th Gold
  • Basketball: 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th, 6th-8th Silver, 6th-8th Gold
  • Soccer: K-1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th, 6th-8th
  • Track: K-8th
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