Middle school students have daily classes in mathematics, science, history, English literature, religion, and grammar. Students also study physical education, art, and music, with technology integrated into the curriculum. We also offer honors math classes and a hybrid gifted program in conjunction with Ray Dass for our highest-performing students.
St. John the Evangelist middle school students also have the opportunity to grow in leadership skills by helping younger students throughout the school and participating in Christian service and extracurricular activities.
Our school offers a hybrid gifted program in conjunction withRay Dassfor qualified students grades 6-8.
Extra-Curricular Activities
for students include but are not limited to the following:
Student Council
4-H Club
National Junior Honor Society
Tackle Football
Flag Football
Track & Field
Gulf Coast Arts Festival Participation
Science Fair
Walking/Running Club
Sierra Club Essay Contest
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contests
Spelling Bees
Our Mission
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School pursues spiritual and academic excellence in a Catholic, Eucharistic community of virtue and joy.